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Home / Terra Clay Paint / Terra Clay Paint - Marigold

Terra Clay Paint - Marigold

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No Rules! Reactivates when wet.



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This lush color will last a lifetime in your home! Marigold is a radiant hue that is reminiscent of a graceful sunrise. This burnt sienna color has orange and yellow undertones that keep you coming back for more!
Straight from the earth and heavily pigmented, Terra Clay paint is a perfect choice for the DIYer that likes to layer, weather, colorwash and reblend. Most colors are one coat coverage, but don’t stop there! Create for days, reactivating and mixing your paint. Once you have completed your masterpiece, seal with Terra Tuff or Terra Seal.
Use Terra Clay paint on wood, canvas, tile, fabric, walls floors and whatever your imagination can come up with - play and have fun, that's what this awesome paint line was created for.
Be sure to prep your piece by cleaning thoroughly with Terra Clean